In a busy world, sticking to a rigid workout plan can feel overwhelming. Intuitive training offers a flexible approach that encourages you to listen to your body and adjust your workouts based on how you feel and the time you have to train.
How Intuitive Training Works
Be Honest: Some days, you're energised and ready for a tough workout; other days, you're not. Being honest about your energy and stress levels helps you avoid burnout and keeps your training progressing during difficult weeks.
Fuck Perfection: Perfection is an illusion. Not every workout will be your best, and that's okay. The goal is to stay consistent, even if it means scaling back on certain days and targeting different systems.
Adapt: Life is unpredictable. Intuitive training allows you to adapt your workouts to fit your schedule, ensuring that fitness remains a part of your routine without adding stress or avoiding it altogether.
Trust Your Intuition—and Use the Traffic Light System
To help my clients manage their effort levels and recovery, I use a traffic light system in their programming:
Green: Low stimulus
Yellow: Moderate stimulus
Red: High stimulus
This system helps clients understand the effects of their sessions and balance their workouts with their lifestyle, ensuring they continue to progress, no matter what’s going on outside the gym.
By trusting your intuition and using tools like the traffic light system, you can maintain a balanced, sustainable fitness routine that adapts to your life and still allows you to progress.